
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Biggest Fear

The biggest fear was that he would lose all that he possessed? He was in a dilemma whether to take that step or not. But his entire future was dependent on that. He can't evade this. All he can do is trying knowing things more and more to hedge his risk. But, is he aware of kind of risk he will be in? Is he aware of the life-threatening phases he has to go through? Sometimes, it seems he knows all, yet not ready to recognize, for his mantra of life is-"Will do things as and when they will come". He was a toddler when that terrible incident happened. His young age didn't let him understand what actually happened. All he was told that - "Your Papa will never come back, he went up to the stars". He used to ask people to take him to stars, for his Papa was everything and all he wants was to play with him. Though he loved his mother also, at times she will be cooking the meal for him. Many times he tried to plan a journey to stars but no one would tell him the

Mundane with Extraordinary

Ordinary or Mundane is something everyone wants to change. All are looking to achieve something extra, which will help people to achieve something in life. Probably rat race is also because of that extra which everyone wants. But, the bigger question is - Can an ordinary thing achieve something by just following mundane tasks and employing a little out of way thing to complete works? Can a person with out-of-book thinking be successful in life? Do we need people to achieve that extra to be counted as a successful person? Let's take the classic example of half-filled glass. People with optimistic approach will say the glass is half-filled glass (well, I am also optimistic). People with pessimistic approach will say the glass is half-empty. There have been many debates on this. People want to know which approach is correct and which should we take to achieve successs. Which approach adds the extra in their life. Well, just to be clear I am optimistic but I look things in very diff

Shoot that thing...

Shoot that thing Which looks like a King Came with a Knife and Gun To murder unknown for fun Did we lose humanity? Did we reach the limit? What happened to the world Crazy and beyond all Do we need a jolt Or a big halt Just to stop and think Is it all worth the thing? Kill and deceive And without a perceive Is this is it the inception? The myth of perception Humanity is dying And we all are crying... It's high time we need love From someone in neighbor and above Rather shoot we need a boot For us and all we need a grout Of Love and faith Don't shoot that thing Rather love that thing..