Summer Chronicles

Dreams are not always true, but it reflects the life worries and sometimes gives the power to overcome all difficulties in life. It gives the courage to take the life head-on. 

She opened her bleary eyes when the cat, all seven pounds of squirming flesh, climbed onto her belly. Squinting into the sunlight streaming in from the open window, she discovered that she was now the weary possessor of a pounding headache, and at some point, had managed to lose both a tooth and a spouse.

Images started to flash one by one. What happened last night? What did he do? Suddenly he felt pain in his mouth though he was feeling better because the cavity tooth was gone now. He was dying for someone to attend him, but no one was around. He was all over there lying on the couch and lost in between last night and present. He was lying like a dead man, feeling nothing and thinking nothing. All he was concerned about how he managed to get himself on the couch.

What happened last night? Did he drink too much? All he could remember was he was drinking in his house with his friends. Some flashes in between where his wife called him and told him, She is on the way to home and where he and his friends were dancing like a jack. A police inspector at his home and his neighbors. He was not able to recall anything. The story was coming in patches and flashes and nothing more. He was dying to know what happened last night. He stood up from the couch and started walking and fell down again. "Am I still under alcohol influence?"- a thought flashed and he realized something is lying under the couch. He looked at it with nervousness. Ajay was sleeping on the carpet. Then he looked around and found his rest three friends sleeping around. "What is happening"  Why was he feeling such a terrible thing. " Am I in a dream?" A thought flashed again where he was asking his friends to leave and his wife was standing at the doorsteps with a Police inspector. "Wait, has this actually happened"? "Where am I"? 

Abusive and disappointment life had already taken a toll on him and he was doing nothing to overcome this. And as he woke up, he was still in dizziness and in two worlds. A world where he fought everything and was free and another world where he just woke up from a dream. His wife came and handed him a cup of tea. "Wait... he whispered to himself... Why am I dreaming myself as a lady..." She is my wife and I am his husband, but why I feel like women?

He held his wife's hand and asked her to sit beside him. Wife was surprised at this sudden romance, but she sat beside him. He held her tightly and promised her never to leave her alone and he promised to love her forever. But he couldn't solve the mystery of how and why his wife came along with Police inspector. Was that a part of the dream or is he still dreaming...

Saurabh realized that whatever he dreamt was the explosion of not able to cope up with the current situation. He took a vow to fight the issues of life and take a happy path to achieve his life goals.
