Thank You
Thank You Got up late? Lots of work to be done at home? Feeling stressed? Having kids or family to take care? Well, in the midst of lots of excuses not to hit the Gym, I have my excuses to hit the Gym daily. In one word, it's the craving for the "Fitter-me". New Year brings lots of joy and energy to everyone. It also comes with the list of resolutions i.e. the things one wants to achieve in the new year. Everybody wants to make the new year the best in his/her life. But, I would say it is the decisions we take, make the difference. One of the best decisions of the year 2018 was to join Gold's gym and I must say that decision transformed my life. It's been almost a year and I still can't believe what I achieved in this year. I still remember the day when I happen to see a post on Facebook about a contest by Gold's gym. I immediately decided to participate in the contest. To my surprise, I got the offer to join Gold's gym as one of the winners of...