
Showing posts from July, 2017

One-sided Affairs!

One Sided Affairs! What! Nitish Kumar resigned and became the Chief Minister of Bihar once again with the BJP partnership? What! BJP formed a Government in Goa, even after being the 2nd largest party with the support of other regional parties? Is it really happening? Suddenly All India seems to be painted in Saffron colour. There are now only a few states remaining where either BJP government or NDA supporting parties are not ruling. The situation seems one-sided affairs. But the biggest question is - Can a Government still perform when there is no formidable opposition available? Can a Government still fulfil its poll promises?  With the break in mahagathbandhan in Bihar, the politics of India has changed suddenly. Until yesterday there was an anti-BJP ruling in Bihar. Nitish Kumar broke the alliance with Rashtriya Janta Dal and Congress and formed an alliance with BJP to form the next Government. In an another instance which happened sometime 6 months back where BJP formed th

Politically Correct!

Politics is a science which relates to the governance of an area or a land. Politicians are those who follow politics but that is not the ideal condition. So, let's call the Politicians are those who claim to have following the politics. That said, governance can be of any form. It may be good, bad or in-between-good-bad for the people associated. No dictionary in this world defines politics as the good governance. But again good governance is a relative term. A government which doesn't enable its people and just provide free-bees may be a good government in the eyes of few people but actually is the worst in the long run. Making people dependent on some things and making those available to people without any efforts is worst kind of governance. A government which makes way to achieve things easy for people rather than making things availability easy is one of the best kind of governments. Take an example - A popular government makes rice available at 3 Rs per kg to the belo

Failures and aftermath

Failures are a reality. If someone wins, someone loses too. There can never be a situation when all wins and no one loses. Yes, there can be perspectives to the things. But there always be someone better and someone less good. It is all in nature. If you think one is good, other will be less good or better automatically. Two things can be identical but all things can't be. But, agenda here is the failure and its aftermath. What happens when someone loses, particularly in the hands of less worthy. What happens then? Does it bring frustration and devastation together? It is said- when you give your best you stand a chance to win, in any situation of life. But, that is not true all the time, especially when you lose focus at the vital time. That is the time when someone wins and someone loses. Failure is not just opposite of the Success. It has a lot of mal-things attached to it. Frustration is the starting point which creeps and sometimes cripples a person. Slowly, it makes all th

Energy - Time and Need

Do we really think we know everything...? Though we live in a scientific world where things amaze us every day, we barely know the limits. But, hold on, before knowing the limits we should know the start. A start is a key to know the limits of anything. I agree that reverse engineering is something, but it can only predict a form. And wherever we are not sure of something, it is very much clear we don't know the thing. Energy is one of those things. Energy can't be created or destroyed- we have learnt this all our lives. But, did we ever question, who said this and based on what assumptions. Also, since we know everything has a start and an end. Is it wise to say that about energy? I question this every day and no one has the answer to this. We have such a limited knowledge and with those, we try to answer to the life's all pertinent questions. Energy - a form we can feel and see and use. Something, we know everywhere. Something present everywhere. Can there be an absenc

Pseudo Humanity

Pseudo is not just a word, it shows the thinking capability and reflects the ignorance of a person. Pseudo is for anything which just appears real and in reality, has nothing real in it at all. Pseudo is one of the most used English words in recent times. The reason for that is too obvious. Reach of Social Media has made each type of news, be it fake, real, true or false etc. accessible to all. People get offended so easily. People get offended without checking the reality behind a news feed. So, the real question is what defines a Pseudonym. Let me present a good example. NATO is an alliance formed by world's most powerful countries. NATO has been responsible for killing more numbers of people than any other country or incidences has killed in this world. US and UK and one of its biggest allies. UK has also oppressed many countries in this world and killed almost a billion people throughout the world. Now such countries with such a bloody history and worst human abuse history a