The life he wants...
He knows what it takes to be a successful person in this world... He also understands how much job is left and he has to do to be a successful person in this world... But what he does and wants to do are completely opposite of what he desires... Though there is no end to desires and achievements, sometimes, it is best to keep them under wraps. One wrong step and the life is ruined. Papil has similar sorts of clashes in his life. And he is totally clueless about what is happening. Desire is a big thing. One can desire to be as successful as much he wants, but, life does tricks and if one falls into that trap, one becomes something else. Papil desired to be a successful Singer in Rock genre and for that, not a single day passed in the last 10 years when he didn't practice. A small spark can gut a big establishment. A small spark can do a major thing and that is what is happening in Papil's life. He is so focused that he will do-whatever-it-takes approach to achieve his drea...