The life he wants...

He knows what it takes to be a successful person in this world... He also understands how much job is left and he has to do to be a successful person in this world... But what he does and wants to do are completely opposite of what he desires... Though there is no end to desires and achievements, sometimes, it is best to keep them under wraps. One wrong step and the life is ruined. Papil has similar sorts of clashes in his life. And he is totally clueless about what is happening.

Desire is a big thing. One can desire to be as successful as much he wants, but, life does tricks and if one falls into that trap, one becomes something else. Papil desired to be a successful Singer in Rock genre and for that, not a single day passed in the last 10 years when he didn't practice.

A small spark can gut a big establishment. A small spark can do a major thing and that is what is happening in Papil's life. He is so focused that he will do-whatever-it-takes approach to achieve his dreams. He is not driven by the lust of desires, his drive is based on passion. A passion to be the best in the field. A passion to prove he is not a-small-sort-of-guy. And he is doing it passionately. It is said- when you try to achieve something with all your powers and with passion you get it as universe conspires for you to achieve whatever you want in your life.

And the big day came. Papil dream to be part of rock and roll hall of fame is at stake. But, it happens that when one wants success, success eludes. And that happened today. Papil sang with all his heart but he has been rejected. Did universe conspire against him? Papil seems devastated. He seems as if he has lost everything in the life. Did passion lose a battle against odds in life? Can passion has its limit and failure can move a determined person?

Many were the questions and few were the answers. No one knew what went wrong. Why a passion-driven person could not achieve what he wanted?

But as people say, passion always makes a comeback and when passion does next time the intensity is always much more than the last time. It was Papil's destiny to achieve something bigger and better. He understood very soon that he has just lost a small battle and he is destined to win the war. Battles give you what-not-to-do things in life. It also opens up your weakness in front of everyone and a wise person doesn't take much time to pick-up after losing a small battle to prepare himself/herself for war.

Papil was up for something big and he was busy in preparing himself for that big day.

Thousands of desires, each worth dying for...
Many of them I have realized...yet I yearn for more...


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