Nari Shakti...

Nari Shakti...
"Yatra Naryaste Pujyate, Ramante Tartra Devta", is a very old Sanskrit sloka. It says - The God resides at the place where Women are given respect and love.  Love is one of the most powerful things in this world. Women are not just anything but the half-part of a human being. We all have masculinity and feminity in us. Sometimes we use masculinity and sometimes we use feminity. A woman is more about feminity and that is what we believe in, but that is not true. When a woman fights for her dignity, it is her masculinity. It is the sheer power that drives a woman to conquer any difficulties in life.

Just look at the current scenario. So, many women are doing great things in their life. Be it politics, science, medicine, sports or Engineering. In all fields, women are doing the wonderful job and bringing laurels to the family and country.  Currently, Women cricket team of India is playing like a champion. The team has already beaten England and West Indies with a big margin. That happens when you just give a small chance to the woman. She breaks all barrier and become Champion.

Sometimes, it pains a lot to see the condition of women in most of the society. Some people and group of people consider women just as a mere instrument for making love and having sex. They consider women as their own personal servant. They beat and abuse women and feel doing that as their birthright. The condition is pathetic sometimes. Women are beaten and abused for not producing a boy for the family. Sometimes for being less fair. Sometimes for being aspirational. Women have so many boundaries to break and mountains to climb. 

The society is changing and it is changing for good. Women who brought laurels and proved themselves are leading the fight and change. More and more women and getting the leadership position and that too in so called men bastion. It is not easy and was never easy, but women are successfully overcoming this daunting task.

Bravo to the changing mindset and to all women who made this daunting task possible. Life is all about achieving the impossible and that is happening currently. I salute to each and every woman. Be it my mother, my wife, my sisters and my colleagues. Love and respect were long due to them and it is satisfying to see women getting their dues.
